Friday, July 1, 2011

Sensational Switzerland

Awaiting us at Michael’s house was a mental, physical and spiritual oasis. I cannot yet comprehend the impact of our short visit with him and only wish I had scheduled more time to replenish. Next time we see each other, it will not be the 24 years it has been between this and our last visit.

Michael and his partner, Remos, opened their home and family to us. We enjoyed a Sweet Sixteen Pool Party for a family friend on Sunday, only after hitting the flea market in search of 1950’s West Germany pottery with the distinctive Fat Lava glaze. Soon to make its debut as a new business venture, “Something Special,” Michael has scoured flea markets abroad in search of these beautiful vintage vessels. I found a few small goodies that will fit in my suitcase, two hand painted with traditional design wooden needle holders and a hand carved gourd with a Swiss mountain scene on top. My purchases were 10 Swiss Franc total. Michael surprised me with a gift of a wire chicken for collecting eggs!

The next day, Michael drove us to the Alps, to a special spot called Golzern. We rode a cable car up to a spot in the mountains and when we walked off and I looked up. It was so beautiful and breathtaking, I cried. The hills truly were alive. Taking a path along to a thermal, not glacier filled lake; we were able to mange the 68 degrees water for a quick dip. Continuing on through the hills, beauty surrounded us, except for the clanging of the cowbells, it had the silence of trees and mountains that have stood since the beginning of time. My heart swelled. Having a sense of timelessness, turning it over to the endless wisdom and the source of my soul, I cried again. Letting go and leaving behind all that no longer resembles the “me” that I am today. I am blessed to have the tender kindness of friends whose friendship is deep and lasting to allow me to be me.


  1. Holly holly that sounds magnificent.
    Starting to think we should rethink going to Budapest.
    Can't wait to see the egg collector, too sweet, I'm sure.
    I can just see you standing at the top of the mountain, arms extended, spinning and circles and singing.
    I miss you !
