Friday, July 1, 2011

One Day - Three Countries

Leaving Barcelona, Spain on Easy Jet was a snap. We left from Terminal 2C, just past busy Terminal 2B were we arrived. Terminal B housed every single international budget flight carrier in Eastern and Central Europe creating super long check-in lines. Continuing to walk past them all, we reached Terminal 2C, which apparently only had one carrier, British owned, Easy Jet. We breezed through security and found the waiting area for our flight, got a drink for the plane ride, since nothing is gratis in the air and waited. We boarded with no problem and arrived in Lyon, France.

Baggage arrived just inside the airport doors and we proceeded to a shuttle that took us to Avis for our car pick up. Again, there was no one in line. We got our car, set up the GPS in English and we were off. Only veering off the proscribed path a few times, we arrived about 5 hours later in Zufikon, Switzerland at the home of my long time art school friend for our next adventure.

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