Thursday, June 11, 2015

Adventure in Spain 2015

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. I have definitely said that before.

This will be my third and probably final trip with EF Tours, the largest education tour company with offices all over the world. We have gone to Italy and France and now we are giving Spain a spin.

Any educator's out there who want to travel free with students and parents... 
Tell them,  Andrea sent you.  No really, there is a referral fee if you travel! I will hook you up!

I love traveling with young people, seeing them experience something so far away and so different from their own backyard. The art and culture explode right in front of them!

Nothing beats App, no FB, no YouTube. It's the real deal. real time.

This whirlwind trip begins in Madrid and then travels south...
to El Escorial...Segovia...Toledo...Granada...Seville...and ends up in Costa del Sol....all in a 7-day on-the-ground tour extravaganza.

I've got my Fitbit strapped to my wrist and I'm gonna see how many steps we take every day! Won't you join me? Hop on a treadmill and stay tuned.

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