Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bella Venezia! I really want to show you in pictures how wonderful Venice, Italy is, but.....I can't get them out of the camera because the adapter device for my iPad is totally bogus.  A cheap imitation that I bought online just did not hold up and is not reading my sd card.  Error message is that iPad does not support this device and apparently vise versa.  Really wish that I had bought my laptop, but instead thought I would try its lighter brother, the iPad, but proving to not be such a great idea.  And of course, internet is slow, making it difficult to upload those larger picture files or even use an online program to convert them.  I am technologically challenged in Italia.

Being on a planned tour, we only were able to spend a day in this medieval city.  The colors are my colors, washed out and aged down apricot, verde, sienna, sunny yellow, and marble oh my.  Marble in every color that you can imagine.  Brought here from across the globe during The Crusades. 
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Saint Mark's Basilica with its gold mosaic ceilings, taking more than 300 years to complete is more than impressive.  And look down to the floors, geometric marble mosaic designs influenced by its Turkish heritage, or shall I say stolen from its Turkish land, pillage and plundered from Constantinople.
(insert picture)

Oh well, there is more from the Doge's Palace and The Bridge of Sighs across to the Prison.  Hmmm...just doesn't seem the same without photos, so I am signing off and hopefully can actually post this tonight.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bon Voyage in Italia....Countdown

In just 3 days, I board a plane with 4 students and 3 adults from O. Henry Middle school to travel across the Atlantic to Italy for 8 days.  For some of the students, this may be the first time that they have been away from their family and for others, the first time they have been to Europe.  For some it is a maiden voyage and one not to be forgotten. What an adventure and I am so thrilled to be a part of it!

Last fall, I got this idea that I could take a group to Europe.  One of the other teachers at my school took nine students and adults to Madrid and Barcelona that summer, so I thought...why not.  With only six travelers, my Group Leader position would be paid for.  Recruitment began at Back to School Night in September and by December, I had enough for the trip.

Check out our Tour website

So my bags are almost packed...Euros exchanged, passport in hand with an itinerary not for the faint hearted or bad shoes.  Austin to Milan, Verona and Venice....and that is only the first day!  On to Florence and the High Renaissance, a pass through to Assisi and then to the Rome....the Eternal City, Vatican City and the Sistine Chapel and some how, we squeeze in a day trip to Pompeii.

I am exhausted just writing about it.  EF packs a whole lot in to their tours and we are all in for a wild ride.  So follow us as we eat our way through Italy with lots of gelato, pizza, pasta and good coffee.

Ciao Bella!